For our EECE 474 project we were given the task of designing a electronic device which would benefit society in some way. Our group decided on designing and creating a medication pill dispenser which alerts the patient via wireless wristband. After conducting eleven surveys from local pharmacies, we found evidence that there is a problem that exists in our society today where many patients either forget to take their medication on time or they forget that they have already taken their medication and take an additional dose. Both of these situations have the potential for severe harm to the patient. The solution we settled on is a pill dispensing system that can be programmed using the keypad and the LCD for the specific times which the patient takes their medication. At that time of the day, the system will dispense the medication and wirelessly communicate to the patient and alert them to take their medication. 
The Final Product


The statistics and decision making behind the final design of our project can be found in the PDF below. 
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